Distributech: Launching a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) in Colorado by Leveraging an Integrated ADMS and DERMS Solution
Join us on Wednesday, March 26 from 11:00-11:50am (room: C140) for an engaging coversation on DERMS solutions. As utilities continue looking for ways to efficiently and seamlessly leverage distributed energy resources (DERs) while ensuring homeowners have buy-in, we'll discuss relevant updates to Colorado's virtual power plant (VPP). In this session, you'll learn more about the goals, challenges, and opportunities in launching Colorado's VPP program. This session will also provide an overview of efforts to enable smart meters and provide seamless integration between ADMS and Grid Edge DERMS. Finally, this session will cover lessons learned to date in Xcel's effort launch its VPP, including what's working well, where we can improve, and where the industry's going. You'll have a chance to engage with participants and learn from what's already been achieved.
- Zach Pollack, Director of Grid Strategy & Emerging Technology, Xcel Energy
- Angus McPherson, Global Solution Architect | Power & Grid, Schneider Electric
- Nick Tumilowicz, Director, Product Management, Distributed Energy Management, Itron
- Jennifer Gallegos, Senior Partner Management Consultant, Itron (moderator)
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