INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACTA historic opportunity for infrastructure investment.

With $1.2 trillion allocated across 375 programs, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) represents a turning point for U.S. infrastructure in the drive toward an electrified transportation system, modernized buildings and lighting, safe and efficient water delivery, a more resilient grid, and a more efficient and expanded domestic manufacturing sector.

  • $65B

    for power infrastructure

  • $7.5B

    to fund electric vehicle charging network programs

  • $5B

    for zero- and low-emission buses

  • $55B

    for water infrastructure

  • $65B

    for broadband infrastructure

White Paper Can Smart Streetlights Track Carbon Emissions?

By 2030, it’s expected that 90% of streetlights will be upgraded to LED globally. Learn how smart streetlights, funded under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), can be a tool for cities to accurately track carbon emissions reductions.

Upcoming funding deadlines

  • Department of Transportation — Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grant

    Application deadline:
    Aug. 28, 2024

  • Department of Transportation — Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant

    Application deadline:
    Aug. 29, 2024

  • Bureau of Reclamation — Water and Energy Efficiency Grant

    Application deadline:
    Nov. 13, 2024

  • Environmental Protection Agency — Community Change Grants Program

    Application deadline:
    Nov. 21, 2024

  • Environmental Protection Agency — Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

    Application deadline:
    Applications are accepted on a rolling basis

  • Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships Grant

    Application deadline:
    To Be Announced

Recent IIJA blog posts

White House IIJA Guidebook

Explore funding opportunities in specific sectors of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in this guidebook, developed by the U.S. government.

IIJA What’s Top-of-Mind for Utilities?

Learn about U.S. utilities’ awareness, interest and intent to pursue funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

IIJA Funding Flow Chart

Get a sense of how funds will flow through the IIJA in this infographic from the National Association of Electrical Manufacturers (NEMA).

As the Administration continues to release new information and issue funding opportunity announcements (FOAs), we will provide updates and webinars as we learn more.


U.S. Government IIJA Websites

Protection Agency
Department of
Department of Transportation Department of
Commerce Bureau of Reclamation The White House